So here’s the scoop. I’m a minimalist, well at least kinda minimal. I have things, but I have very little stuff. But over the past year and a half I have accumulated some large household items, as well as some smaller stuff. I found that most of the items were necessary needed wanted, for one reason or another. I accumulated items such as a futon, a mattress and box spring, a recliner, a BBQ, some patio chairs, and some miscellaneous smaller items for around the apartment. It may again be time to move, and I’m not renting a truck or paying to have any of it moved to my new location.
I am most likely accepting an employment opportunity in another state. Because of this, I find myself needing to minimize once more. I definitely have more possessions now than when I moved to my current location. I moved here with everything that I own fitting into my Jeep (read more about my downsizing), and I know that what I have now will not all fit back into the Jeep. Even if I get rid of all of the big stuff, I think the bicycle takes me over the top, but I’m going to try.
Plan B (or rather Plan RV):
If you read my last blog, you’re aware that I am a fan of travel trailers. If you are not familiar with travel trailers, a travel trailer is an RV that is pulled behind another vehicle. If I end up moving for a new job, my plan B is to buy a travel trailer and begin a full-time adventure into the RV lifestyle. Heck, if I don’t get the job, I just might get the travel trailer anyway. With a home that is mobile, my options suddenly seem limitless. Every city has some sort of RV park with full hookups. I can go just about anywhere at a moments notice. And if things don’t work out, I can head to the next place (or vacation for a while).
Anyway I look at it, it’s time to minimize again. I’ve been feeling a little overwhelmed with stuff lately, so I think it’s a good thing. I’ll keep you posted.
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