Hey everybody. First and foremost I apologize for my absence.
For those that have been keeping up with my blog, you know my story. My minimalism came to fruition after being laid off from my job. My minimalism stems from a repeated state of being employed and then not being employed. It really is awful to live a lifestyle based on an income and then to lose that income. Once that income stops, so does the lifestyle.
After moving to Arizona for a new job, and after working that job for a year and a half, I was once again laid off. But this time I was ready, and I was ready to get out of that job anyway. This time I was not tied down and encumbered by things. I was fairly mobile and getting laid off was not an earth shattering event. I have mentioned in my blogs my goal to buy an RV and go where the wind (or the next job) takes me. Well, that’s what I did. I am now the proud owner of a 22 foot travel trailer that I live in full time. The RV has everything that I need, and nothing that I don’t need. I’m still in Arizona working freelance, but can move at a whim to wherever I want. My goal is to go north in the summer and south in the winter.
Granted, when I moved into the travel trailer I still had too much stuff. During the short time that I have been in Arizona I gained a futon, a patio smoker, patio chairs, and a few kitchen appliances that just wouldn’t fit, so I got rid of them. Let’s face it, it’s all just stuff.
I write this blog for me. I write my thoughts and I write about my story. This blog truly is just me blabbering on, but for some reason others sometimes find a nugget here or there within my writing that inspires them. I might mention names, but you know what, that’s their story and it’s better told by them. So many of us out here are just tired of trying to keep up with the race. Unfortunately the race of life has no finish line, at least not one that we can actually enjoy crossing. Until we realize that life is a journey, and not a race, may we be happy.
Tonight I met “G”. We spoke briefly and we got on the topic of minimalism. She shared a little of her story with me, and then she had to leave. this just reminded me that there are so many people out with the same aspirations that I just had to get back to my blog. Again, I’m sorry for being away, and I’m sure that my writing is a little rusty. Maybe this is the kick in the butt that I need to get back to it.
Funny. What a coincidence! Tonight, I also seridipitously met someone whom I shall call “A” for “aha moment”. We too connected regarding minimalism and more (is that an oxymoron?) He too, inspired me with a proverbial kick in the butt… to pick up my pen and share my journey. It reinforced that I’m on a powerful track to achieving my goals of scaling down to achieve a much richer quality of life.
Thank you “A” for showing up on time with confirmation, encouragement and some relavent ideas on living small.
It was a refreshing reminder that there exists an unseen world of like minded energy all around us.
As I recently have been focusing on the gifts verses the challenges of my own transition to the “less is more” lifestyle, it should really then come as no surprise that I stumbled upon (or if you wanna get “woo woo”…can say “attracted or manifested”) another undercover (kinda) minimalist who embodies this philosophy.
I truly agree with the famous adage “The richest man is not he who has the most but he who needs the least.”
Cheers to serendipity and new friendships!
Hey G. It was nice speaking with you yesterday. You too also inspired me to get off my butt and get back to my blog.
Your blogs always remind me of my upbringing. My father was a minimalist; a roving minimalist. We would pack up and move every 6 to 9 months. And EVERYTHING we owned had to fit in the trunk of the car or we didn’t need it. Anything that would not fit was left behind. Dad always rented furnished apts and usually got cars given to him by body shops he either worked for or worked with. The cars were always old “loaners” they were no longer using.
This lifestyle was a good learning experience for me.
Still to this day, when I leave a residence (or relationship) I only take my personal pocessions.
Now I am finally trying to clean out most everything I have accumulated during my current resdency of a decade or more.
Its very overwhelming indeed !
Thank you for your example.
Hey Donna, now that’s some serious family minimalism. We moved at lot too when I was young, but we always seemed to take everything with us. Dad’s work paid for the move, so I guess we didn’t need to worry about it.