Winter is coming, keep somebody warm this winter.
This is a great time to purge your closet, and a great time to help keep somebody else warm. Part of becoming minimal is to not be attached to stuff that you don’t need. I know that you will need winter clothes, but come on, do you really need all of those winter clothing items in your closet?
Step 4 of “10 Steps to Embrace Your Inner Minimal” is to clean out your closet. Since winter is coming, and you are swapping your summer clothes for your winter clothes, now would be a great time to skip over steps 1 through 3 and go straight to step 4. Of course doing steps 1 through 3 would be good for you too. Make sure that you hit all of your closets in your bedroom, hallway, next to the front door, garage hooks, guest bedrooms, your car truck.
As you move your summer clothes to the back of your closet, and you bring the winter clothes up front, just do a little extra. Find everything that you wore last year and put it up front. Any winter clothes that you did not wear last year, just place them outside your closet. Now that your summer clothes are in the back of your closet, your winter clothes is in front of your closet, and the stuff that you didn’t wear last year is outside your closet, just close the closet door.
Quick list of things to consider:
- Coats
- Sweaters
- Raincoats
- Ski pants
- Boots
- Blankets
- Hoodies and sweatshirts
- Scarves
- Gloves
- Hats and beanies (tuque for my Canadian readers)
- Heavy socks
- Camping gear (sleeping bags, tents, heaters, stoves, tarps)
- Did I forget something? Please comment below to let everybody know.
Now, take everything that is not in your closet and take it down to the Salvation Army donation station or your favorite charity. Wow, wasn’t that simple?
If you want to take this one step farther, while you are moving your summer clothes to the back of your closet, take all of the summer clothes that you did not wear this past summer and place them outside your closet as well. But don’t mix the summer and winter clothes. Wait until the end of winter and donate your summer clothes. This will help the donation station to not have to store the summer clothes all winter, and then they can sell them first thing next summer when you finally donate them. Keep your summer clothes aside and ready to donate. Do this incase you need to make a sudden life change and then you can quickly unload the clothes at a donation station.
Seriously folks, if you have a jacket and socks, you have more than many. Share the love, share the warmth and minimize your life.
Please tell me your thoughts on what you just read. Can you add value to my post? Then please reply and share.
I gave away too much. I’m going to freeze to death this winter. Except when I’m skiing. Swoosh
This is exactly what I am doing this evening. Warm clothes to the Denver Rescue Mission and work clothes to the Womens Safe House. I try to do this every year.
Also remember gently used clothes, toys and out grown furniture for the children.
They all need personal items like brushes, combs, toothpaste, deoderant, towels, etc.
For better clothing and toys take them to consignment shops.
There are even places that will buy your books. You wont get rich, but better than trashing them. For me purging books is very painful. So far all I have been able to purge are the books I have duplicates of, but I am emotionally working on it… I gave my books to a long term physical rehab center.
It never ends. I think stuff multiplies at night 😉
Thank you for thinking of our unfortunate population.
Yearly is great, I might adopt that philosophy. You bring up a point about those extra things for the tikes, like toothbrushes. We could all take that extra effort give those needed items as well.
Thank you for sharing!