Imagine Tarzan swinging through the jungle from vine to vine. He grabs a vine and then drops and swings away toward another vine. He then grabs the next vine, lets go of the previous vine and then swings toward the next vine. If he wants to get to where he’s going, he’ll repeat this process until he gets there. Now image how far he would go if he didn’t let go of that last vine.
Other than falling off of the vine, you have three choices. You can swing on one vine and never grab that next vine. Or you could grab that next vine, but not let go of the previous vine. Or you could let go of that previous vine and move on. What is your last vine? What is your next vine? Where do those vines lead?
If you are feeling stuck, then maybe you have a good hold of that next vine, but you just can’t let go of that last vine. So there you are, just hanging in the jungle going nowhere. If you are stuck between two vines then let go of one of them. There are so many vines and directions that you can go. Just let go of one and go find another. If you grab a vine that’s not working for you, then let go of it and grab another.
OK, enough with the vine analogy. The vine can be anything. The vine might be a habit, a job, a relationship, possessions, junk food or anything else. If something is holding you back, or leading you in the wrong direction, just let go. Don’t be held you back or be led to a place that you don’t want to be.
Being minimal, or at least kinda minimal, I let go. I try to not get stuck on things that don’t add value to my life. The easiest thing to let go of is stuff. The hardest thing to let go of are people. But I can’t say it enough, “if it doesn’t add value to your life, let go of it.” If you are trying to let of stuff then take a look at 10 Steps to Embrace Your Inner Minimal.
So what did I let go of you ask? Well, I sold my home, gave away or sold just about everything that I owned and moved to another state. Basically, if it didn’t fit in my Jeep, it didn’t go (The Purge – A Minimalist is Born). And yes, the dog got the front seat. Now I have a new job, new friends, a new place to live, and a few new things. I now only add those things to my life that add value. And if I get something and figure out that it does not add value to my life, I let it go.
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